Monday, March 31, 2014

Before The Cock Crows

Last nights lenten reading about Peter's denial of Jesus really got me thinking, how many times have I done the same? I've grown up around a faith based community, i've worked as a camp counselor at a Lutheran Bible camp, and i've listened to a call that has lead me here to South Africa. Obviously my faith and Jesus Christ are a big part of my life, i've felt His love, so why is it more often than not I find myself denying Him in the presence of others?

Proclaiming Christ and the Christian faith to the world is no easy task. The list of excuses not to is far to long in my opinion. "I don't agree with everything the institutional church tells the world, and quite frankly I'm embarrassed by it sometimes." Did Jesus not challenge the institutional church of the time and question their teachings? " I don't believe in telling others their faith or lack of faith is wrong." There are ways to share Christ's love through actions that allow for free and open conversations about your faith. Interfaith dialogue is a wonderful and beautiful thing. " Im not strong enough in my own faith to share it with others." Who said there was a "perfect" or "correct" faith formula?

As a missionary, i've found this topic to be even more challenging. One because I'm not a missionary in the traditional perceived idea of the word, and two because daily life can be challenging enough to navigate sometimes let alone delving into deeper expressions of one's faith life. But maybe those are just more excuses? To be completely honest, I'm not sure I have an answer to this riddle.

At the end of the day though we are all missionaries for Christ, called into this life through baptism to share HIs ever abounding love and grace with all those we encounter. There are no spectators in this game, there are no all stars, there are no heroes. Every single one of us is a living breathing miracle, a gift of life and love shown through God's grace. Called to share in the meal with all of our brothers and sisters regardless of race, gender, religion or creed.

Today I take up the challenge to show Jesus to the world. Whether that be through my words, my actions, or my simple presence. I don't know and never will know the "right" way to go about sharing His love, but I think I'll start by simply trying. 


*written March 27th

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Holy Spirit Song

I got the privilege of being made aware of the Holy Spirits presence tonight at Ash Wednesday service. I sat quietly singing along to one of my favorite songs as people filled up to the altar to receive their ashes and blessings, when a voice from behind me began to grow louder in my ears. It was one of the most beautiful voices i'd ever heard as it worked it's way in through my ears deep down inside of my soul. Before I knew what was happening I felt tears running down my face.

I wiped the tears from my face and turned to see where this voice of an angel was coming from. My eyes made contact with hers and we both simply smiled at each other in a joint understanding, no words needed.

And that's how a woman in her late seventies found a place into my soul and wrapped me in the love of her beautiful voice.


*written March 5th

Do You Have Any Rope?

I brought plenty of different things with me for my time here in South Africa, entirely too much stuff to be completely honest. The one I've used the most though and been repeatedly glad about having is far from the item I would have expected.

When I packed 20m of 4mm static wrap rope I thought it might come in handy a time or two, but it was mostly the backcountry Montana in me that put it in my bag I think. It has proved it's worth time and time again since leaving the states though. It made its first appearance shortly after landing in Johannesburg. As we started packing our luggage into the trailer of our kombi (15 passenger taxi van), it was becoming apparent that not everything was going to fit very nice and neatly. Without the assistance of the rope tying all the top layer of luggage to the trailer, I'm not sure all ten of the SA-YAGM's bags would have made it to our in-country orientation. At the time I felt fairly confident that this may well be the last time I could be justified in having brought this 20m worth of rope, but once again I was greatly mistaken.

Since then that same rope has been used to tow vehicles, assist in tree cutting operations, held down the hood of a car when the latch broke, been used as an indoor clothes line multiple times, and helped as a teaching tool for slack line with friends. I'm sure I'm forgetting something else that this simple length of rope has been used for, but in short, it's the last thing in my bag I expected to be most grateful to have brought!


*written March 5th

All We Need Is a Little More Love

If I take nothing more from this experience then one thing, I honestly can say that I wouldn't be upset. For it's in and amongst all the complexities of this rainbow nation that I've come to learn the most vital question and may be even answer to life, love.

The word and the idea of it is a simple enough concept, but in practice, it can be much easier said than done. Every person on this planet comes from different walks of life, has different stories, and has something incredibly unique to bring to the table. Sure there are similarities and things that we find in common with one another, but ultimately each story is its own. This can make times of understanding, compassion, and graciousness hard to find at times. I've found that it's when we embrace the chaos, mystery and unique features of all aspects of this world that it begins to take on new forms in our eyes.

I've been accused of being a granola, earthy hippy, and yes that is correct, but I can't help believe there's something incredibly profound about loving each other. It really can be that simple if we so choose it to be. Remove the intellectual definitions, societal stereotyping and instead turn to a sense of wonder about something that at first glance baffles you. You may just find yourself thinking more highly of your fellow human beings and be surprised by the compassion you find down deep inside yourself.


*written March 1st