Friday, January 24, 2014

There Was He, And He Was I

Today, for the first time in my life, I got to witness, and be blessed with complete and total trust from another human being. It wasn't trust that I was openly striving to receive. It wasn't trust that came from an exchange of words, or even really actions for that matter. Trust though, I have no doubt that it was.

As the new school year has begun and new faces have become a part of my daily journey at Keromang E.L.C, i've found myself feeling somewhat paralyzed. In many ways I feel like I just arrived here again. Routines and rituals I had formed with students, who have now moved on to primary school, have been replaced with confused looks and shy expressions from nearly all of the faces I see before me now. Ive gone from the silly, fun, "Pick me up!", Uncle Rapula, to the unnerving, unsure, big, and for the most part scary white man. Until today.

For nearly a week now, I have been helping feed one little boy during meal times. On day one you could tell he wasn't particularly sure he wanted help from me, but was the only one willing and that didn't come to tears at my presence. The only words exchanged between the two of us have been, "Jaa" and,"Metsa". "Eat" and "Swallow", both coming from me, with no real verbal responses from him. But then today, not only did the food seam to disappear faster then usual, once it was gone he remained standing closely in front of me. I found the behavior unfamiliar, but didn't put much more thought into it.

Roughly ten minutes later as I lay on the ground looking up at the ceiling waiting for other kids to finish their meal, I suddenly felt like someone was close to me. I looked up to find the little boy, once again standing closely in front of me. As I raised myself into a sitting position two little arms found their way around my torso, and a small little head onto my chest. As I lay back down onto the floor I could feel the tension leave his nervous little body. I wrapped my arms around him and simply lay there soaking in the moment and the peace that this little angel had brought to my heart as he slowly fell asleep.


*written January 20th

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Keenan, this is beautiful (just as you are)! I'm loving reading your blog in all its raw honesty, knowing you're so open to shaping and being shaped by your host community! Hope you are truly well. Abrazos!
