Friday, November 8, 2013

God's Work, Our Hands

I've been gifted with many beautiful moments in my time here, but today's may just top the list so far. There were multiple baptisms at church this morning, three to be exact, so there were multiple baptismal parties afterwards this afternoon. All of them were lovely and I ate until I could hardly move at each, but it was at our last stop for the day that my heart grew a little bit.


My little sister was sitting on my lap after we had finished eating and we were basically just there among everyone else somewhat engaging in casual conversation. As we sat there she begin to play with my hands though. At first I didn't pay much attention, but the more she played with them the more she begin asking specifically for me to see what she was doing. I begin to watch closely as she first placed her own hand palm down next to mine. She then insisted that I repeat the motion, so I did. I didn't quite understand what this new game was but I went along with it. Once I too had placed my palm facing down next to hers she gave me my next task. She flipped her own hand over facing palm up this time and again asked me to do the same, so I did. We repeated this pattern a couple times until she stopped me and made the motions of the game much more deliberate. We started at the beginning with both our hands next to each other palms down. But this time she made a point of pushing our hands together so they were touching and pointed at her hand and then at mine. Then we went onto the next step like we had before, both our hands palms up this time. She made sure our hands were touching again and pointed at her palm and then at mine. She looked up at me and smiled. She made me repeat the steps once more with the same touching and pointing to make sure I understood her point and again looked up at me and smiled.


A five year old showed me a new definition of what it means to be a child of God today. Through her playing with my hands she had come to discover that the pigmentation of our palms was the same. Race is a reality I have had to face at times since I arrived here, but today my little sister gave me one of the most beautiful gifts I have ever received. One that I will hold close and dear to my heart for the rest of my life.




*written November 3rd

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