Friday, November 8, 2013

Hit By A Mac Truck

They tell us at the beginning of this YAGM experience that vulnerability is going to play a large role in the next year of our lives, and so far I would agree whole heartedly. Of coarse it's somewhat up to each individual as too just how vulnerable they want to allow themselves to truly be. I got to recently experience this vulnerability on an even deeper level then I already have since my arrival.


Earlier this week I got hit with a flu bug. I use the term "hit" in a rather literal sense, cause I seriously felt like i'd been hit by a Mac truck. My entire body ached, my head was throbbing, and my stomach was uneasy to say the least. I have spent so little time sick in the last three years (other then broken bones) I think I was in denial about it at first. It didn't take long for my doubt to disappear though as my slight rumbly tummy turned into death warmed over within about an hour. When a person becomes ill, they pretty much have to trust the people around them to help with their care. Putting ones self into a much more vulnerable state, even more then usual as a YAGM, whether you like it or not. And lets be completely honest, when most of us become sick we really just want our mommy cause well, she just does it best. The fact of the matter though is that mom is a long way away right now. Luckily for me, I have about five mothers on any given day of the week.


The following morning I tried to tough it out and went to the creche as I usually do, but it didn't take long for Mosa, Kelebogile and Dinah (three of said mothers) to realize I wasn't feeling up to par. The harder I tried to prove I would be ok the more they insisted I take it easy and just go lay down. It wasn't long before they had won the argument, but what mother ever looses an argument right? I spent the next 20 hours face down in my pillow nearly dead to the world. My dad would come in every couple of hours and check to make sure I was still breathing, ask if I needed anything, and then let me go back into my flu induced coma. He even made me some soft porridge that night, as it was the only thing that sounded even remotely appetizing. I woke up the next morning feeling like a completely new person. I was greeted with questions of concern as I entered the creche, only to assure them I was feeling much better. Dinah proceeded to load my plate especially full at breakfast and lunch that day, saying I needed to make up for all the food i'd missed out on in the last 24 hours haha. I think she just loves any excuse to feed me ;) I guess being vulnerable to the help of others isn't all that terrible after all.




*written November 7th

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