Friday, November 1, 2013

Waving The "White" Flag

I got to go to a coffee shop yesterday in a town that is about 17km away from my village. Now, when I first heard that I was going to coffee shop I got pretty excited I'm not going to lie. I love coffee, and haven't had anything in regards to coffee except Nescafe instant since arriving. So the thought of a cup of "real" joe was pretty exciting.

The moment I crossed into the threshold of the shop I immediately felt different. It was a very nice, quiet, little shop with your stereotypical coffee shop artistic touches. I have spent many hours in shops very similar to it back in the states, but something felt very different here. As soon as I made my way into the back patio area I begin to understand why it felt so different. As I took my seat at the table I realized I was completely surrounded by white people. It was the first time since arriving that I found myself surrounded by a completely white population.

As I made my way to my table and finally sat down, I could feel eyes piercing me like tiny little arrows. Now I realize some of the things I was feeling were probably somewhat things I was projecting upon myself. But non the less I felt incredibly out of place, and the company of white South African's looks I was receiving told me I was out of place.

For the first time in my life I identified with and placed my identify with a racial group that wasn't white, and from the looks of it, they didn't want to identify with me either. The privilege they outwardly displayed and almost waved around like a flag of victory for all to see was truly disheartening and somewhat sickening to honest. It was at this moment that I begin to realize just how much the people of Lekubu have become my family and my home. They are people I care desperately about, people I trust, and people I love.




*written October 26th

1 comment:

  1. maybe they were looking at you because you are clearly american. i think it is a lot to assume privilege and conceit just from a quick glance.
